Art Prague
The date of the 20th Art Prague festival of modern art fell exactly o the week of relaxing of COVID-19 imposed restriction of cultural exhibitions.
We presented creations leading to a dialogue between HEAVINESS, LIGHTNESS and BRUTALITY.
The combination of fragile and light materials, which optically form large and heavy matter, awakens the feeling of uncertainty and inconsistency in us.
You will often find exaggeration and humour in our work, but it draws attention to the surrounding social events. Golden ass sitting quietly in the middle of a room in the centre of the metropolis for an event where artists and galleries present themselves. Where art is addressed, its meaning, its topicality and value. While outside people, who experience personal dramas meet.
Every day we face heavy matters in various forms. One leaves, the other comes again. As much as it can separate us from one another, so it can unite us in the same way, shifting our humanity and ingenuity.
The difficulties of sharing itself become easier and less threatening, and this is the main essence of our artistic group and the form of presentation at this artistic event.
By creating troubled objects in the right light, we try to open a public debate that invites anyone to join it, no matter what life situation they are currently in. Tlustá čára is not just a team, it is a space for self-expression.